Florence Country Club Fitness Center
Brand New Equipment!
We are pleased and excited to announce that the fitness center has been newly renovated and all of the equipment was recenlty ordered. The fitness center is open 24 hours and 7 days a week! All members have the opportunity to use the facility at their own lesiure. Please note, that children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent to use the fitness center.
Please help yourself to the coffee refreshments located right outside of the gym doors. No need to spend extra time or money after your workout anymore at Starbucks! Whether you like French Vanilla, Salted Caramel or just a regular medium roast, the choice is yours.
If any member would like to recieve an acces code to use during off hours, please reach out to Scott Simerlink (
[email protected]) with questions. We will assign and program a specific code for you to use.